Sunday, December 12, 2010

Empire State of Mind- Christmastime in NYC

Prior to last weekend, I have never been to New York during Christmastime. Though I have visited the city more times than I can keep track of, I have somehow managed to have other things to do that kept me away. It has long been on my "bucket list," and I'm so glad that I finally got the chance to go because it is truly magical during this time of year. Chicago does an incredible job spreading the holiday cheer, but there is nothing like walking down Fifth Avenue and checking out all the fabulous store fronts.

Though it was just a short weekend getaway, the mini vacay was exactly what I needed. Work has been insanely busy for the holidays, and the timing could not have been better. Plus, this was a special trip because I got to go with my good friend Jo. This was her first trip since going with her family years and years ago, so she was really excited to go as well.  Going on trips with your significant other or your family is always great, but the experience really changes when you go with a friend. In other words, we got to go shopping ALL DAY and do girly things that would bore our husbands to death!

So our trip began with a quick bite of pizza and a show. We chose Promises, Promises because we are both HUGE fans of Kristin Chenoweth. Our only complaint was that we didn't get to see Sean Hayes perform (he was sick), but the good news was that his understudy was awesome AND we got to see Molly Shannon play the part of the drunk lady.  It was a fun show and a great way to start off the weekend.

After the show, we walked around Times Square and then grabbed a late night snack at Carnegie Deli. Now having had both Carnegie and Katz's famous pastrami sandwiches, I must say that Carnegie does not hold a candle to Katz's. Don't get me wrong- it's still very good, but I was more interested in the matzo ball soup and latkes that the couple eating next to us were having! Plus, the prices are ridiculously ridiculous. I guess that's a given seeing that it's in a touristy area, but seriously? $15 for one sandwich + another $3 to split it? And no free re-fills on $3 Cokes?  It's highway robbery if you ask me!

Anyway. Onto the next day...

We slept in and made our way to Bergdorf Goodman for a very belated birthday lunch for Jo. I had requested a special table by the window overlooking Central Park for the occasion, and let me tell you, BG does NOT disappoint. Lunch there is probably one of my favorite NYC experiences, and I know that I will be back again because it was that amazing. The food was incredible and the service exceeded my already high expectations.

If there is a place I love more the Bloomingdale's, it is Bergdorf Goodman. Thank goodness it is so far away because I would be bankrupt if I lived nearby. Shopping is divine, especially when you hit their amazing designer shoe sales.

After BG, we checked out The Plaza hotel, walked around the park, and hit up all our favorite stores down Fifth Avenue. Here are a few of my favorite decorated store fronts! Fendi was my favorite (sorry Tiffany, you were a close second!), and then Cartier was third.

Inside the Happiest Place on Earth. Yes, that is Tiffany and Co. for those of you who are not in the know.

Presents from Heaven (Santa).

Having some fun at the NBA store.

Of course, we worked up an appetite shopping so we had to have a hot dog. It totally hit the spot, and I'm happy to report that Jo enjoyed it!  Then it was off to see the famous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. OMG was it a ZOO there- people pushing and shoving everywhere... not fun. But boy, was it a sight to see.

We had a few hours until our dinner, so we decided to get another snack (Junior's Cheesecake!) at Grand Central Station. I just love walking into the main concourse- it's so majestic, strikingly beautiful and breath-taking.


Dinner was at Boqueria, one of my favorite places to eat for Spanish tapas. I often crave their Seafood Paella because it is soooo delicious.  I remembered having this amazing strawberry sangria in the summer, but it was replaced with another seasonal drink. It sounded pretty good (cranberries drenched in rum), but that was mistake because it was WAY TOO STRONG, and I was definitely buzzing after a few sips! We were pretty stuffed after all the good eats, but powered through another round of drinks and dessert at a diner with Jo's family.

Sunday came too fast, but we got to have a nice brunch with my friend Kim who I met on KWEST Japan. It was really great to see her, and we mostly ended up chattering away about her wedding plans for next year. Her fiancee is classmates with Scott, but she still lives in NYC, so I am crossing my fingers that she'll move so we can hang out more!

NY, I'll be back soon. After all, it's such a quick and easy flight to and from Chicago. :)

Until next time...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

40 Degree Weather? Yes, Please!

Every week, the temperature drops by a few degrees. I would say it's because of this fact that I am getting more and more used to the cold.

I no longer feel sorry for people who complain that it's cold back home. The wind chill here is serious! It makes the weather feel so much colder than it really is. For example, 35 degrees here feels quite different than 35 degrees there. I have now become one of those people who think 40 degrees is a FANTASTIC day for weather. I might even say that 50 degrees is... hot.

Next week we'll be in single digits, and at some point next year we'll probably go below zero. I can't even imagine what that's going to feel like!

So what do I have to look forward to these days? Snow. I LOVE walking in fresh snow and seeing the streets covered in soft white powder. The days that it snows are actually warmer than days that don't- it's so strange psychologically because the most beautiful, crystal clear days when the sun in sparkling and the skies are bright blue are the most bitter cold.

The thing I've really come to hate weather-wise is the rain. Man, rain sucks in Chicago!!! Mostly it's because of the wind- and to be honest, I think that rain is worse than snow here. It is a total pain in the ass to walk in, and you need an umbrella made of steel to weather the storms.

Despite the extreme cold and harsh weather conditions, I am (for the most part!) enjoying the winter season. Everything is decked out for Christmas, and the holiday spirit is all around us. I'm just hoping that this newfound excitement will carry me through my first winter here in Chicago.

Let's just pray that I don't slip on the ice and fall on my ass.

Happy Holidays!