Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Northwestern Territory

It's been about two weeks since we've arrived in Evanston, and so far I am loving it. Almost everyone I have met -whether a neighbor, waitress, or salesperson- has been so friendly and helpful.  I know I keep saying this, but it is such a big difference from what I am used to.  I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be in an environment where everyone just smiles more and seems so much happier.  We have also been quite lucky with the weather and have taken advantage with some beautiful walks by the lake.

The apartment is getting close to feeling like home.  We're just waiting on our new couch to be delivered, so as soon as it comes, I'll post a few pictures.  I am so excited because for the first time in my life, I will have a REAL couch.  Not the IKEA futon excuse for a couch that everyone had back in the college days, but a real, soft ivory leather, beautiful, gorgeous couch!  The day it arrives will feel like Christmas.

Among other exciting news, having a doorman is the greatest thing since sliced bread. How in the heck can someone remember EVERYONE's name in my building (there are 25 floors for Pete's sake!)?  I don't know... but I like it and it makes me feel special. We are also ordering things like crazy online- even stuff like paper towels and energy bars.  I find it very exciting when I see the special key chain stuck in my mailbox that says I have a package waiting! Being able to have someone sign for your packages is so convenient.  It's the little things in life, you know?

                                                    bunny rabbits!
Living in a college town is fun.  I compare it to Westwood, but of course, it has its differences in many ways.  One of the things I noticed right away is how clean and safe the streets are.  Being able to walk to Whole Foods, the Farmer's Market, restaurants, the public library, shops, the lake, etc. has been one of the greatest experiences.  For Scott, it's more old hat since he used to live in NYC, but for me it is a whole new world.  Back in April when I was apartment hunting, I had no idea how much I would come to appreciate being in the most convenient part of downtown.

I've been told that I have three months left of good weather and then I will see what it is like to live in the freezing cold.  Today I purchased all my winter gear- down coat, base clothing, thick socks, and snow boots.  I got very paranoid when I heard that everything sells out by October, so of course I made my check list and got it all!  When Scott saw the receipt, I think his heart might have stopped momentarily.

Despite all the negative comments people make about how I'm going to hate the cold, I am actually looking forward to seeing the seasons change and the first snowfall. Check back soon for the next blog entry: a recap on my first real trip into downtown Chicago, taking the L, and my happiest day since the move.

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