Monday, February 7, 2011

My First Visitor!!!!

I heart my friend Cathy.  She is one of my dearest friends- we were roomies for many years, starting all the way back in (gulp) 2000!  So you can imagine how excited I was when I found out that she would be spending five whole days with me in Chicago.  She even came during the winter (seriously a trooper, especially since she was coming from some fab weather in Cali), but I have to say... the weather didn't stop us from enjoying all the city has to offer.

Lunch at the Signature Room (95th floor of the John Hancock Building)- the best view of the city AND an amazing, affordable meal.

And this dish gets an honorable mention. Wagyu pastrami sandwich with french fries. Just a little plate of heaven...

Inside the Art Institute of Chicago.  What an amazing museum-- probably one of the best I have ever been to in my life (it was incredible to see Sunday Afternoon and Nighthawk in person, which are two of my all-time favorite paintings).

                                             Humongous ball of mistletoe.

                       Pretty view of Pritzker Pavillion from inside the museum.

                                Snowy bean (Cloud Gate) in Millenium Park.

Cathy and I love pictures that showcase pretty rows of trees. 


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