Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home is Wherever I'm With You

If you've been paying any attention to the news, there is a blizzard that has hit Chicago so hard that people are up to their ears in snow (literally).  Although a very small part of me feels a bit left out- insert fun pics of all my friends playing in mountains of fresh snow- I am grateful to have spent two extra days in beautiful, sunny, WARM, California. 

My flight back was smooth and easy, and I took in the cool comfortable breeze that welcomed me home.  By request, my dad picked me up in his brand new car with my favorite In N Out burger (animal style), fries, and vanilla shake.  Waiting for me at home was my mom, a half dozen Sprinkles cupcakes, and a fresh batch of caramel popcorn/chex mix.  It was my actual birthday that night, and the little girl in me who still loves to open presents was excited to unwrap my gift.

The rest of the week was spent catching up with friends, and of course it went by all too fast.  I also got in some shopping at South Coast Plaza (a girl can have serious withdrawals being away for too long), had a lot of good Japanese food, and most importantly quality time with my family. 

Sometimes it's really hard being so far away from home, but truly it makes you appreciate what you have so much more.   This vacation was just what I needed in so many ways.  I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle February in The Windy City!  Special thanks to my brother, who funded my trip back home and even flew down from Nor Cal just to celebrate my birthday- you rock.

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